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Way to Work (Means)
Two hours a week are devoted to project work. Weekly lessons on the main landscapes will
be taught with the children extending their knowledge through the use of reference books
and the Internet and / or by visiting speakers, DVDs, etc. The children will also conduct their
own research individually or in groups on one particular landscape or region; more able
children may complete two.
The subjects need not be approached in this order as visiting speakers and visits may
determine the timetable.
Lesson 1 God’s Amazing Landscapes
Lessons 2/3/4/5 Mountains
Lessons 6/7 Rivers
Lessons 8/9 Erosion
Lessons 10/11 Glaciers
Lessons 12/13 Coast
Lessons 14/15 Coastal visit and follow-up
Lessons 16/17 Desert
Lessons 18/24 Visits / Personal or group projects / Feedback
Day and/or residential visits should be arranged according to the area of the school and the
availability of notable landscapes. Some local studies would be advisable.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
It is hoped that the children will come to a deeper appreciation of the landscapes within the
local, national and international scales. They should be aware of the different landforms,
how they have been formed and how some are still in the process of change. They will have
had opportunities to gather information from a variety of sources and present it
appropriately. Overall, it is hoped that the project will instil in the children a sense of
wonder at creation, worship for the Creator and nurture wisdom in helping to play their part
in caring for the earth.
(God's Amazing Landscapes) 4