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P. 8
Lesson 1
until it flies. The children should see that design is needed. Talk about a large jigsaw
being thrown in the air and the chances of it landing ready-made into the picture.
3. Talk about the age of the earth. Explain that some people think that the earth is
millions of years old; others consider that it is only thousands of years old.
4. Discuss the purpose of life on earth. Christians believe that God created the earth
for his family to work and enjoy. They are to steward it for him and for following
generations. If there is no purpose and the earth came about by chance there is no
meaning to life. We are accountable only to ourselves. Read Genesis 1:26-28.
5. Let the children complete the worksheet. Equip them with maps of the local area.
6. If time allows, let the children look at the globe and in atlases for examples of
different landscapes.
7. Gather back to share and to thank God for his amazing creation.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
The children will have identified different landscapes and have located some of them
locally, nationally and internationally. They will have considered the varying theories on the
formation of the earth. The fact that landscapes have and will change due to various
physical and human influences will have been appreciated.
Overall, it is hoped that the children will have been given a desire to study more of God’s
amazing landscapes.
(God's Amazing Landscapes) 6