P. 65
Science Y2 – Parent Guide
Week 2
Truth to Teach (Source)
To help the children learn that food is a source of energy for our bodies.
You need:
A stop watch or a clock with a second hand.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Recap on the previous lesson, reminding the children that our bodies need food to grow
properly. Today we are going to see that they need food for another reason.
2. Experiment
Ask children to jog for 30 seconds and then do 10 hops. Then ask the children to do star
jumps for 30 seconds and then 10 hops.
How do you feel after exercising? [Heart beating quickly; puffed, tired; breathing quickly]
3. Explain that their bodies were using a lot of energy as they were exercising.
Their bodies were beginning to say, "More energy, more energy", and so their hearts
began to pump harder and their lungs had to work harder breathing in oxygen to pump
energy around their bodies.
4. Where do we get our energy from?
From eating food. That is why we often feel hungry after we have done an activity
which uses a lot of energy
Can you think of something you do which uses a lot of energy?
Do you use energy when you are resting? When you are asleep?
If you did not eat, your body would become weaker and weaker and you would
eventually die.
5. Food gives our bodies what they need to keep growing, and energy to do many different
activities. We need food to live. The Bible says our spiritual lives need food as well if
we are to grow in Christ and have spiritual energy to serve God. The food we need for
spiritual growth and energy is the Word of God. The verse at the end of our worksheet
today reminds us of that.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
The children will have appreciated that our bodies require food as a source of energy. Spiritual
growth results from ‘feeding’ on God’s Word.