P. 70
Science Y2 – Parent Guide
Week 5
Truth to Teach (Source)
To introduce the concept that the keeping quality of food can be improved by
processing it and storing it properly.
You need:
A few tinned foods, and food in jars and packets.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Have the display of food before the children.
Read from Exodus 16:13 – 35. Recall the time God rained down bread from
heaven and the people had to go and gather it. How often did they have to gather it?
Why? (It would go off, except on the sixth day!) Today we are going to look at how
we store food, so that it doesn’t go off so easily.
2. Here is a tin of peas. Could I have bought peas in something other
than a tin? [Frozen peas, or pea pods.]
Why are peas put in a tin or a packet for the freezer?
Establish that:
• it keeps the food clean and free of germs
• it makes the food stay fresh longer
• it makes it easy to handle small foods like peas.
2. Food can go off because of microbes. These are invisible, and are like
germs. They multiply in food if they can and make the food go off causing it to
become unsafe to eat.
However, God has helped people discover ways of treating food and storing it
so that it can stay fresh much longer.
• Canning: in this process the food is heated up, in a sealed tin, and
this destroys any microbes in it. The tin keeps any other microbes
• Freezing: blasts of very cold air are directed at the food, and this
stops any microbes from multiplying. You must then keep the food
frozen by storing it in a freezer.
• Storing in a fridge: this slows down the multiplication of the
microbes. Food will stay fresh longer in a freezer than in a fridge.
3. How might you know if food had gone off? Draw the three warning triangles on the board.