P. 66
Science Y2 – Parent Guide
Week 3
Truth to Teach (Source)
1. To look at ways of sorting foods.
2. To learn that a good meal consists of a balanced intake of foods from the four main
3. To reinforce the concept that the Bible is food for the Christian.
You need:
• Picture cards showing four main groups of food.
• A packed lunch.
• A tape recorder on which to play ‘I heard your word and I've eaten it’ by Robert
Evans on ‘Love Letter - Just for Kids’.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Play the song (see above). What does this song remind us that the Word of God is like?
Just as we need food to (i) help us grow and to (ii) give us energy, so too we need to
read God's Word daily and think about it (like chewing) and learn it (storing it up inside
us) and use it (like giving us energy) if we are to grow up as Christians. That song,
when it talks about a ‘Bible sandwich’ can help us remember this lesson.
2. Explain that food may be sorted into four main groups. Use the picture cards to
explain the four groups:
• Carbohydrates group
• Fruit and vegetable group
• Dairy group
• Meat group
[NB. Anything from a plant gives carbohydrates; anything from an
animal gives protein.]
3. Look at the contents of the packed lunch. Explain that a balanced meal has food from
several groups.
4. Ask children to draw (and name if a picture is not very clear) foods from each group.
Quick-finishers or older children may like to spot the different groups of food
represented in the meals on the coloured picture cards. The sheet may be used to
record answers by ticking if there are foods from a certain group in the meal.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)