P. 6

Science Y6 – Marvellous Me - overview

                                     Lesson 4      Mobile and Strong

                       Week 3        Lesson 5      Telephone System
                                     Lesson 6      Pump and Pipes

                       Week 4        Lesson 7      Transport System
                                     Lesson 8      Visit

                       Weeks 5/6     Lessons 9-12     Personal Projects

                       Week 7        Lesson 13     Spring Cleaners
                                     Lesson 14     Rumbling Tums

                       Week 8        Lesson 15     Bits and Pieces
                                     Lesson 16     Secret Senses

                       Week 9        Lesson 17     Health and Wholeness
                                     Lesson 18     Health and Healing

                       Weeks 10/11    Lessons 19-22    Personal Projects

                       Week 12       Lessons 23/24   Visit and/or a Healthy Meal

               2.      Teacher-led inspiration giving clear guidelines.

               3.      Pupil research, usually in pairs, leading to brief pupil presentation to the class. The pupils each study two
                       of the following: -

                            •  Cells in the body
                            •  Muscles and bones
                            •  Nervous system
                            •  Brain
                            •  Heart and circulatory system
                            •  Blood
                            •  Lungs and respiratory system
                            •  Digestive system
                            •  Teeth, nails, hair
                            •  Senses
                            •  Health

               4.      Throughout the project the teacher should seek to inspire the class with amazing facts and allusions to
                       the character of God, and to the Church as the Body of Christ.

               5.      During the term there is scope for cross-curricular work: -

                         •    English - Writing poems or songs of gratitude to God.

                         •    PE - Awards for effort in fitness training lessons.

                         •    Home Economics  -  Pupils could discuss/receive instruction/conduct  research on good dietary
                              habits, and perhaps invite a member of staff, a parent or a governor to a specially prepared
                              healthy lunch.

                         •    First-aid - A person trained in First Aid could lead a practical lesson, and respond to the many
                              questions that are likely to arise. A doctor could visit for a ‘Body Question Time’, including the
                              topic of illnesses and diseases.

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