P. 7
Science Y6 – Marvellous Me - overview
• Biblical Studies - Awareness and concern for the disabled reflects Jesus' heart of compassion. A
visitor, video/DVD, or some form of community service could be employed.
Growth and ageing could be illustrated by a visit to the class by a family covering three or four
generations, or the class could visit a home for the elderly.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
1. Pupils should have grasped and understood that God is an amazing Creator and that our bodies reflect His wisdom.
2. Pupils should have acquired increased knowledge, understanding and wisdom in how to steward their bodies, as
‘temples of the Holy Spirit’ through healthy diets, exercise, etc.
3. They will have gained factual knowledge of how the components of the body and the body systems operate.
4. They will have appreciated that our human bodies are a picture of Christ and his church.
5. It is hoped that the children will have a greater desire to worship God the Creator and will have an increased
appreciation of human life.
6. They should also have developed a greater compassion for the weak and the disabled.
7. Pupils will have developed skills in conducting research and in working together to present their work to a selected