P. 31

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                       Experiment 2:  The children will need a piece of card with a hole about 2.5 cm in
                       diameter, tape, black card, a mirror and a comb.  They should tape the comb across the
                       hole in the card. The card should be placed in front of a torch so that the beams shine
                       through the comb. A black piece of card with a mirror attached should be stood at a
                       distance behind the comb and card so that the beams of light pass through the comb
                       onto the mirror which then reflects the light. What happens to the light rays? (They
                       are reflected but still in straight lines.) Move the mirror at different angles. What
                       happens? (The angle of the light rays change as you change the angle of the mirror.)

                       Experiment 3: The children will need two mirrors and an object. Put two mirrors at right
                       angles to one another with an object between them.

                       How many reflections can be seen? What happens when the mirrors are put at

                       different angles rather than at right angles to one another?
                       (Endless reflections are seen as the light is bounced to and fro between them.)

               5.       Gather back to share and reinforce teaching. Discuss with the children whether they
                       had conducted fair tests. Talk about how to record the results accurately. Some may
                       be able to record their results on tables on the computer, some may need the

               6.      End by praying that we will be increasingly effective as reflections of Jesus in all we

          Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

          The  children  will  have  appreciated  God’s  heart  for  us  to  reflect  Jesus  to  the  people  around  us
          through our attitudes and behaviour.  They will have learnt more of the characteristics of light, how
          to conduct fair tests and to record their results accurately.

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