P. 29


        Truth to Teach (Source)

               Genesis 1:3           ‘God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.’

               John 8:12             ‘Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.”’

                      To recognise God as the Creator of light.

                      The role of our senses in communication.

                      The sources of light.

                      The parts and function of the human eye.

        Way to Work (Means)

        Equipment:     Eye Test cards

        1.     Introduce the topic by letting the children read the above verses from across the room. Discuss them
        briefly. Talk about the blessing of our eyesight.

        2.     Compile a list of the other sources of light – sun, torch, candle, electric lights, fire, etc.

        3.     Divide the children into groups to try reading the eye test cards (photocopy  several) or seek to acquire
        a large one from an optician.

        4.     Review the other senses we use to communicate – touch, speech, and hearing. Discuss when it is most
        difficult to use our sense of sight – in the dark. Talk about how the size of the pupil  changes in the light and in
        the dark.

        5.     Ask the children to work in pairs to draw each other’s eye. Gather back to share how much they already
        know of the parts and working of the eye.

        6.     If the children can readily access information on the Internet let them find out more for themselves.
        Alternatively, supply them with lots of books or information sheets.

        7.     Let the children draw a labelled diagram of the parts of the eye or use the   worksheet.  They could
        then write a brief account of how the eye works.

        8.     Talk about the ways in which we can care for our eyesight, eg wearing sun glasses in bright  sunlight,
        never looking directly at the sun, having regular eye tests.

        9.     End by thanking God for our eyesight. Show some Braille and share about Louis Braille’s work in
        devising ways of helping blind people to read.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
        The children should know the parts of the eye and how they function. They should appreciate the sources of
        light and be aware of how we can care for our eyes. They should also have a sense of gratitude to God for
        their own eyesight.

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