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Science Y3/Y4 – God’s amazing creatures – week 1
Truth to Teach
Psalm 104:24 ‘How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is
full of your creatures.’
Revelation 4:11 ‘You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for
you created all things.’
Focus on the Creator and his creation.
To seek to impart to the children a sense of wonder and worship for all the amazing creatures
which God has created.
To give them some idea of the enormous variety of animals from the largest to the smallest
creature and the number of very different habitats where they survive.
To create an animal alphabet.
Way to Work
1. Show the children a video/DVD or lots of books about a range of animals. Give them a
challenge for homework to find the largest and smallest creature on earth.
2. Review the Creation story in Genesis 1. Remind them that some people think that the world
began by chance or by some other means. The children need to consider how they think that
the world began. Encourage them to be honest in respecting other people’s opinions and yet
to hold firmly to what they believe.
3. Use a magnifying class or microscope as a visual aid to explain that each week we will have a
special focus – this week it is on the Creator and his creation.
4. Set the children a timed challenge of creating an animal alphabet with at least one animal
beginning with most letters.
5. Discuss the animals we see in various habitats, eg desert, jungle, field, garden, air.
6. Give time for the children to colour in the cover sheet or to design their own.
7. Read the verses above then end the lesson by praising God through songs and prayers for his
amazing creatures.