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P. 43
Science Y3/Y4 – God’s amazing creatures – week 3
Truth to Teach
Proverbs 30:24, 26 ‘Four things on earth are small, yet they are extremely wise; .. conies
(rock badgers) are creatures of little power, yet they make their home in
the crags; ..’
To begin looking at some unusual mammals and their habitats
To learn the characteristics of mammals
To equip the children with a framework for studying animals
Way to Work
1. Review the previous lessons.
2. Show a short video/DVD of one or more unusual mammals.
3. Discuss the word ‘habitat’ and compare the habitats of several very different mammals,
eg whales, elephants, foxes. Talk about why these creatures are so well-suited to their
4. Refer to the four animals in Proverbs 30:24-28 to see if the children can categorise them and
suggest which habitats they would be found in. Discuss what we can learn from conies – hiding
in crags for protection. How do we protect ourselves?
5. Give the children the following headings under which they can conduct their own research on
one or more mammals:-
Growth and reproduction
Other information
6. Give time for the children to browse through books/internet to select the mammal they
wish to study. Outline the way in which information is to be gathered and recorded. Suggest
that illustrations can be included. Give guidelines as to the amount of work expected and the
time schedule.