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P. 48
Science Y3/Y4 – God’s amazing creatures – week 7
Truth to Teach
To review the characteristics of mini-beasts
To make a detailed study of the snail
Way to Work
1. Review the previous work on God’s Amazing Creatures.
2. Remind the children of the characteristics of mini-beasts. List examples, eg worms, spiders,
snails, woodlice. Ensure the children realise that insects are also mini-beasts.
Explain that a snail is a mollusc which is a family of creatures with shells.
3. Discuss mini-beasts which are beneficial to us and ones which are harmful. Three out of four
creatures in the world are mini-beasts and they live in every habitat from deserts to mountain
tops. They provide food for many larger creatures, being part of many food-chains.
4. Take the children outside to look for snails or bring snails into the classroom.
5. Observe the snails and let the children draw them and label them.
Snail races can be fun too!
6. Give the children the worksheet to complete.
7. Gather to review the lesson.
Learning for Life
The pupils should have learnt the characteristics of mini-beasts and begun to realise the tremendous
number and variety of small creatures. The fact that they form part of so many food-chains reflects
God’s wisdom in his creation.