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Science Y3/Y4 – God’s amazing creatures – week 10
Truth to Teach
Proverbs 30:24, 25, 27 ‘Four things on earth are small, yet they are extremely wise:
Ants are creatures of little strength, yet they store up food in the
summer; locusts have no king; yet they advance together in ranks.’
Lessons we can learn from God’s creatures
The characteristics of insects
Classification of insects
Pit-fall traps – experimental work
Way to Work
1. Review the lessons on mini-beasts
2. Let the children go around the room with paper and pencil to try to identify the numbered
pictures of insects pinned around the walls.
3. Compile a list of the characteristics of insects.
a) Six legs
b) Three parts to body – head, thorax, abdomen
c) Invertebrate
d) Cold-blooded
e) Usually lay eggs
f) Have antennae for smelling and feeling
4. Talk about the amazing number of insects in the world and the need to classify them
into groups. Eg
a) Insects with one pair of wings
b) Insects with two pairs of wings
c) Insects with no wings
d) Insects with hard wing-cases
5. Read the above verse and discuss what we can learn from ants and locusts.
6. Take the children outside to build a pit-fall trap. The trap will need food, such as meat or
leaves. The traps should be checked daily and a record of insects found entered on to a table.