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P. 54
Science Y3/Y4 – God’s amazing creatures – week 12
Truth to Teach
1 Corinthians 12:27 ‘Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.’
To learn about social insects as they work together for the common good, comparing them to
us working in the body of Christ
To study ants or bees as examples of social insects
To report back on pit-fall traps
Way to Work
1. Review the previous lessons on insects
2. Report back on the pit-fall trap results
3. Show a video/DVD or read a book on ants, bees, wasps or some other social insect. Show a
wasp nest or a piece of honey-comb.
4. Read the above verse in context from verse 12-31 and discuss, comparing it to social
insects which have set tasks.
5. Pictures and notes could be completed to consolidate learning. Give clear guidelines.
6. Some children may like to create an insect alphabet.
Learning for Life
The pupils will hopefully be appreciating how much we can learn from God’s creation for ourselves.
Finding out more about social insects will perhaps cause awe, wonder and worship in the children.
They will have increased their factual knowledge of insects and will have learnt more of how to
gather and record information clearly.