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P. 57
Science Y3/Y4 – God’s amazing creatures – bugs and beasts games
Noah’s Ark
Give each child the name of a creature which has a distinctive noise, or way of moving. Each one has
to find a person with exactly the same animal name as them as they move around and make the
noise. The last two to pair up are out. The game can be repeated.
Spots on the Ladybird
Each of the six teams lines up behind their leader with a paper ladybird about 6-10 metres in front
of them. On the ladybird are Smarties for spots. There should be the same number of sweets on the
ladybird as there are people in the group. On a signal the first child from each group runs to the
ladybird and licks up one Smartie then runs back to his group and touches the next child who does
the same. The first team to eat all their Smarties is the winner.
Hare and Tortoise
The class is divided into two; half are hares and half are tortoises. They can swap later. The hares
line up behind their leader and wait, ready to run a circular course marked out with skittles. The
tortoises line up behind their leader in the centre of the circle; the first one in the line has a
cardboard box tied on his back. On a signal the first hare and tortoise run around their circuit; the
tortoise has to run on all fours but the circuit is shorter. The first hare taps the next one who runs
around the circuit and so on until all the team have run. The tortoises have to untie the cardboard
shell for each one to use it as they run around their circuit. The hares count how many circuits have
been run while the tortoises each complete their circuits. The teams swap and compare the number
of circuits run by the hares. The one with the most wins the game.
Butterfly Game
The children stand in a circle and are named – egg, larva, pupa, butterfly, egg, larva, pupa, butterfly,
etc all around the circle. When the caller shouts out e.g. pupa, the pupas have to run around the
circle back to their place. The last one back is out.
Woodlice Game
Mats or hoops are scattered around. When the signal is given or the music stops each child has to
curl up like a woodlouse in a hoop or on a mat. Ensure that there will not be room for everyone so
some are out. Remove some mats or hoops as people are out.
Mini-Beast Ladders
The children sit facing one another, in pairs, with their legs stretched out to form the rungs of a
ladder. Each pair is given the name of a mini-beast. As the caller shouts out the name of a mini-
beast the two children run around their respective teams then back to their places. The first one
gets a point for the team. The winning team is the one with most points.
Proverbs 30 Game
The children form four teams – locusts, ants, lizards and conies. They line up in four parallel teams
each one facing a hoop which is placed immediately in front of each team. Another set of hoops is