Page 52 - Microsoft Word - SCI KS2 Y3 Y4 gs.doc
P. 52

Science Y3/Y4 – God’s amazing creatures – week 10

        Wood or plastic

                       Tin or jar
                                                                  Hole dug in soil

                                     Grass, meat, leaves

        Date checked      Time          Weather                    Insect found           Other mini-beast
                          checked                                                         found

        7.     The traps could be checked for a set time, eg two weeks. Books for identification of
               insects need to be available.

        8.     The children could write about the main points of the lesson and draw a labelled diagram of
               the trap and prepare a table on the computer for their findings.

        9.     Some children may wish to devise other humane ways of catching insects in the soil.

        Learning for Life

        The children will have learnt lessons from the verses in Proverbs. They should have learnt the
        characteristics of insects and have discussed ways to classify the group. The practical work will give

        them opportunity to gather data and record it accurately as well as giving them opportunities to
        identify insects.

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