Page 55 - Microsoft Word - SCI KS2 Y3 Y4 gs.doc
P. 55
Science Y3/Y4 – God’s amazing creatures – week 12
Truth to Teach
To write a psalm of thanksgiving to God for the amazing creatures he has created
Way to Work
1. Review the project
2. Ask the children what the project has taught them about God himself.
3. Read Psalm 148 as a possible structure – a line of praise then a further line of
4. Give examples:-
Praise you Lord for the hairy caterpillar, chrysalis and beautiful butterfly which teach us
about the miracle of dying and new life.
Praise you for the sprawling spider which teaches us to make beautiful patterns of symmetry
in silken webs.
5. Give examples of how to begin and end by directing the children to Psalms, eg Psalm 8, Psalm
6. Gather at the end of the lesson to hear some of the children’s work read out.
Learning for Life
The children will not only have had practice in writing a psalm but will have had opportunity to learn
another way of expressing thanksgiving to God.