Page 65 - Resources
P. 65

Lesson 13-15 News-sheet


        Israel is strategically placed in the world by being
        crossed by major highways and trade routes between                                             Africa,
        Asia and Europe.


        The history of Israel spans thousands of years. History can be traced back to the Bronze
        Age. Jerusalem was made the capital of the kingdom under King David’s rule. It has had a

        turbulent history with the building of the second temple, the Roman occupation, the
        Crusades and the Zionist movement.  Israel was made a State in May 1948.

        The population has been swelled by Jewish immigrants streaming in from neighbouring Arab

        countries. They see it as their homeland. They came with different ethnic backgrounds and
        cultures but have now blended together. Each community retains its special arts, dress and

        There has been much violence in Israel over the years and a lasting peace settlement is still
        to be achieved.


        In such a small nation, about the size of Wales there are snow-capped mountains, desert
        areas, fertile valleys, sparkling lakes and seaside resorts. The hustle and bustle of towns,
        noisy market places contrast with the sanctity of holy places. The population is about 7


        Four main parts: -

               1.      Coastal plain with a sandy shoreline and a wide plain which is excellent for

               growing crops.
               2.      Hills and mountains in the centre of the country running from north to
               south. They range from 200-1,000 metres high and are used largely for
               sheep farming.

               3.      Jordan Valley, a steep-sided valley through which the River Jordan runs to
               the Dead Sea which is the lowest point on the earth (398 m below sea-level).
               4.      Desert covers all the south of Israel and is known as the Negev. It is rocky
               and like a wilderness.

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