Page 68 - Resources
P. 68

Lesson 13, 14, 15
                              T T TH HHE EE    L LLA AAN NND DD    O OOF FF    I IIS SSR RRA AAE EEL LL

        Search through your Bible to find the answers to these questions which will tell
        you more about the country of Israel. Please answer in sentences.

                                       Mark 6:39 Which season do you think it was?

         Luke 2:8 What kind of farming took place on the hills?

                               1 Kings 18:20 Where did Elijah defeat the prophets of


       2 Samuel 5:6-8 Which king of Israel captured


                          Luke 1:39 Did John the Baptist’s mother, Elizabeth, live in
                          the hills, by the coast, in the Jordan Valley or in the


     Joshua 3:14-17 Where did the Israelites cross the

     Jordan to enter Israel?

                                       (Greek Grandeur, Hebrew Heart)          94
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