P. 32

                   ከበደ ኃይሌ ዓምድ

                         his is the semifinal  buy  food  and  other  essential  home
                                                                                 raise price to maximize their profit.
                         series   of   this  needs  to  the  last  drops  that  caused
                                                                                 But the Ethiopian-owned stores have
                         lengthy  article.  In  shortage.
                                                                                 never hiked their prices while other
                         this  part,  we  will
                                                                                 stores took advantage of it. Probably
         T   look  at  During  that  time,  the  Ethiopian
                                                                                 some  of  us  might  notice  that  the
         customers’ views. But before I fo-  store shelves’ were intact with tradi-
                                                                                 Ethiopian-owners  haven’t  failed  us
         cus on my subject, I want to bring  tional ingredients and freshly baked
                                                                                 down during bad-good times.
         one  thing  to  the  attention  of  the  Injera  and  loaf  of  bread.  Lucky

         community. I presumed the under-    enough we Ethiopian Diasporas can
                                                                                 People  say  “Action  is  louder  than
         stated passages will give hints and  go to any Ethiopian stores and pur-
                                                                                 words” it is indeed. For not increas-
         show clear picture of the Ethiopian  chase our daily staples with regular
                                                                                 ing their price on essential foods is
         stores business operation.          price while none-Ethiopian consum-
                                                                                 truly  unforgettable  favor.  It  is  also
         Right after the US government an-   ers go store to stores and miles after
                                                                                 an indication that the Ethiopian store
         nounced about the arrival of Covid  miles to get their choices of food.
                                                                                 owners do not abandon their Ethio-
         -19  Pandemic  and  advised  public
                                                                                 pian  fellows  no  matter  what  hap-
         to  take  the  necessary  precaution,  In fact the situation has created op-
                                                                                 pened and market behaves out there.
         people rushed to grocery stores to  portunity for all business owners to
                                                                                 If we see these two terms from mar-
                                                                                 keting  prospective,  they  are  un-
                                                                                 doubtedly  promotional  tools  and

                                                                                 concerted  efforts  to  hold  customers
                                                                                 onto them.

                                                                                 Since they  have been  for  us  during
                                                                                 this  challenging  time,  I  think,  they
                                                                                 deserve a huge appreciation for their

                                                                                 thoughtfulness  and  always  are  re-
                                                                                 membered.  Having  being  said  this,
                                                                                 let  me  go  to  the  main  subject  I

                                                                                                    Continued on page 42

        32                                                                                 “ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር ”                                                          ድንቅ   መጽሔት -  መስከረም  2012
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