P. 36

ከበደ ኃይሌ ዓምድ
          MICKY ATL.
             MICKY ATLANTA

                                                 MUGABE’S CORNER
        How I feel when you complain
        about your boyfriend to me is like
        how Yahoo feels when people use it
        to search for Google’s homepage.
        Just sayin…                                      our man will cheat
                                              Y                                                  o woman has ev-
                                                         on you with differ-
                                                         ent girls but when                      er left a success-
        These women's magazines are so
        funny. Chapter one: "You're beauti-   you cheat on him with one  N  ful man, or have
        ful and perfect just the way you are!"   man he will act like you            you heard Bill Gate’s wife
        Chapter two: "How to lose 20          killed his mother.                     quarrelling with gates?
        pounds in 10 days."

                                                                                                 on’t go after a
                                                           y brother you are
        I got called "pretty" by this one     M                                                  woman in the
        young lady today! Well, actually her               25 years old, but                     time you should
        full statement was "you're pretty an-              you keep posting
        noying!" But I only focus on positive                                        be after your dreams.
        things.                               “when I grow up…” what
                                              else do you want to grow?

                                              Horns?                                             othing attracts
        So I saw a midget carrying out a TV                                                      and subdues a
        to his car earlier today. I said "Hey,
        would you like some help with that                                           N  woman more
                                                            hen Spiderman
        plasma?" He said "*** off asshole,    W                                      than *money*.
        it's an IPad!" Oh well…                             flies, he’s a hero
                                                            But when my
                                              Granny flies, she’s a witch.
                                                                                               he difference be-
        I asked the lady from the collection                                         T
        agency out on a date. She turned me   Racism will never end.                           tween Finished &
        down, but keeps calling. I told her                                                    Complete is a
        I'm too old for games.                                                       woman, if you get the right
        your bills and use condom just in  M                                         one you are complete but

                                                           y friend this 10

                                                           ears Challenge is
        Live today like it's your last. But pay
                                                                                     if you get the wrong one
                                                           not for everyone
        case it isn't.                        how can you be Ugly                    you are finished.

        36                                                                                 “ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር ”                                                          ድንቅ   መጽሔት -  መስከረም  2012
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