P. 34

ከበደ ኃይሌ ዓምድ
                 DATING CORNER

                                 15 Things Ambitious Girls Do

                      A Little Bit Differently When They’re Dating
                                                By Kim Quindlen)

                                                                                   11. They know that sometimes they have
         (By Merhawit ፦   6. They’ll still have a lot of other things   a hard time opening up in the beginning.
                                             going on besides you. They take dating
                                                                                    They’re used to being in control, so when
         1- Their relationship will not take up   seriously. But they’re also passionate   they’re not, it’s a little disorienting. But
         100% of their life, but they will put   about their careers and friends and fam-  they enjoy the challenge of trying to get
         100% into their relationship. It’s im-  ily and hobbies. When they’re dating,   better, so it’s something they’re always
         portant to ambitious girls to have oth-  ambitious girls are looking for someone   keen to work on.
         er priorities and things going on out-  who’s not only going to support that,
         side of their relationship. But that   but someone who’s going to love them   12. They won’t ask you to choose be-
         doesn’t mean they won’t give it their   all the more for it.              tween them and your other priorities, be-
                                                                                   cause they’re too busy having priorities of
         all when it comes to being happy with
         someone.                            7. They don’t hold it against you if   their own.

                                             you’re not interested. They know what

         2. They’re not looking for a challenge,   they want, and if you’re not interested,   13. Ambitious girls are attracted to people
         but they are looking for someone to   they’re just happy that you’re not wast-  who have goals and aspirations – people
         challenge them. They’re not interested   ing any more of their time.      who want more than an average existence.
         in the chase or winning the game. But                                     They don’t need you to be the CEO of a
         they’re interested in being with some-  8. They’re not looking to be a trophy   Fortune 500 or an insanely successful en-
         one who’s going to challenge them to   wife. The idea of playing backseat to   trepreneur. They just want to know you
         be better and to grow every day.        their companion is nauseating to an   care about something that matters and are
                                             ambitious girl. They’re looking for
                                                                                              willing to work for it.
         3. Romance usually means something   someone who is going to be their part-
         different to ambitious girls. They love   ner, not their leader.          14. They’re not going to wait forever.
                                                                                   They’ll let you know, one way or another,
         dates and surprises just like the next
         girl. But in their minds, the most ro-  9. Ambitious girls know that being   that they like you. They’re never in a rush
         mantic thing in the world is being with   tough and being emotional aren’t mutu-  to jump into a relationship, but they’re
         someone who they can truly relate to,   ally exclusive. Ambitious girls are   also practical about where they are in their
         and someone who supports them in    strong, confident, and intelligent. They   lives and when it’s time to move on. If
         everything that they do.            know how to handle themselves. But    you like them, do something about it.
                                             they’re aware that that doesn’t mean
          4. They’re not afraid to tell you when   they can’t be vulnerable or emotional.   15. They’re less worried about a fairytale
         they like you. If they think this thing   One of the reasons they feel comforta-  romance and more concerned with find-
         has a chance, they’re not going to sit   ble dating is because they know how to   ing someone who will simply make them
         back and play coy and always wait for   be tough without feeling the need to   happy. They’re not preoccupied with a
         you to make the first move. They’re   apologize for having emotions.         huge diamond ring, an over-the-top wed-
         going to be straight-up with you, and
                                                                                   ding, and a ridiculous love story they can
         you can do with that what you want.     10. A good conversation in their eyes   tell their friends. They just want to be
                                                                                 sn’t revolve around how much   with someone who will love them for
         5. They don’t play games. There’s no   money you make or how successful you   who they are, and never ask them to stop
         “wait two hours to text back” guide-  are. They’re more interested in hearing   following their dreams.
         lines that they believe they have to fol-  what makes you tick, what inspires you,
         low. Ambitious girls do what they want   what gets your blood flowing, and what
         when they want, because they don’t   you’re passionate about.
         have time for arbitrary dating rules.

        34                                                                                 “ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር ”                                                          ድንቅ   መጽሔት -  መስከረም  2012
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