Page 21 - SANIDHYA M_2023
P. 21
Technology- Wings that Will Allow
Educational World to Fly
hile living in twenty first century full of scientific and
Wtechnological advancements many questions like, how
important is technology in education? Or is it safe to rely on
technological advancements for learning may surpass our
minds. However, you yourself can be a key to the answers
of your questions. One of the fundamental components of
the United Nations sustainable development 2030 agenda
is quality education. It aims to ensure inclusive and equitable
quality education for all. Digital technologies have emerged as
an essential tool to achieve this goal. These technologies have
shown a deep and powerful impact on education. The recent
COVID-19 pandemic has provided a space to the applications
of digital technologies in education. These digital technologies
have made a crucial shift in the education system. It is not only
a provider but also a co-creator of information, a mentor and
assessor. Technology improvements in education have made
lives easier for students as it acts as a platform which can provide
access to multiple texts and sources within a single click of
button. Instead of using pen and paper, students nowadays use
various software and tools to create presentations and projects.
When compared to a stack of notebooks, an iPad is relatively
light. When opposed to a weighty book, surfing an E-book is
easier. In this era full of advancements in artificial intelligence,
technology and smart devices have become an integral part of
our living. People have started becoming aware that technology
is more than playing video games and watching animated films.
The advantages are determined by how students, teachers and
parents use technology to improve education. Technology
can lead to effective teaching and learning when in hands of
good teachers. The best we can do today is to understand how
technology can be valuable tool for teachers to accomplish
tedious tasks while remaining mindful of the risks as we currently
understand them.
Ms. Prachi XII-E
D/O Ashok Parashar
CRPF Public School, Rohini