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The Teen Experience- A Roller Coaster Ride!

                         he teen experience also known as  together leaving the individual confused and prone
                    T‘the phase of life in which 14 year  to mood swings. In short this is the turbulent phase.
                     old  children  pretend  to  know  about  This phase as all others also ends and gives way your
                   everything’ begins around the time a  late teens. One finally comes to terms with reality.
                    person hits adolescence. Fresh  out of  These individuals who were once referred to as kids
                      childhood, teen-age is an exciting  are now given the status of men or women. A sense
                        experience. It means discovering  of self-acceptance settles in and the person forgives
                        aspects of yourself you didn’t even  themselves for all the crimes they didn’t commit.
                       know existed in the first place. All                 The spring of youth as it is called by
                      the time and exhilarating high a person  many starts to fully manifest in a person. The nihilistic
                   experiences in the start of their teens is a  urges stop and a person fully matures and the
                   feeling that can’t be explained in words.  individual finally understands how they integrate into
                    But this doesn’t last very long. The mid-  society and looks back at their mid-teens, scoffing as
                    teens soon arrive.                        it was the time they were ‘just children’. The sense of
                              This is the 14 to 16 year old  self-pity and arrogance fades (mostly) and the person
                      range where anaesthesia settles in an  becomes a fully functional human being capable to
                       individual. Things you liked before  fend for him.
         l i k e      a sport may not appeal to you in the                  Realizing that his life is actually in
        same manner as they did back then, back when you  his control and he can impact others’ as well may be
        were still ‘just a child’. New interests develop and your  new to the individual in the start of this spring but
        tastes change but most importantly a mental change  he accepts it as a way of life. All coping mechanisms
        takes place. The psychosocial abilities in a person  dissolve (hopefully) and self-esteem sky rockets. So
        begin to develop and along that come a feeling of  where exactly did we all change? Where was the point
        existential dread.                                    that we stopped being kids and became teenagers,
                       This particular change is hard to deal  where exactly did we transform into fully functional
        with first but the individual gets used to it in a while or  adults? We do not know the answer to these questions
        so. This may be viewed as negative behaviour by some  and will probably never know. The irony of the cycle
        but it is a very important stage of life. The discovery  of guilt in our teens is laughable. To do a foolish task
        that right vs wrong and good vs evil doesn’t exist, that  which would be regrettable in the future and have full
        there are no black and whites in the world as we used  knowledge of that and still doing it is quite comedic.
        to foolishly believe in our childhoods. Pessimistic  Well I suppose we all have been comedians then eh? The
        nihilism seems to fascinate a lot of teenagers around  ripe age of 19 hits and the abrupt realization of leaving
        this age as everything we used to believe in as a child,  your teens and actually participating in the economy
        all our morals, all our ideals have been pretty much  makes the individual afraid initially but ultimately
        destroyed at this point. So, the idea of starting anew  ends towards him seeking new opportunities and
        from a foundation built by the environment a person  being overall hopeful to see the dawn of the next
        is in is loathed by 16-year-olds.                     day a feeling very unlike to his mid-teens. Alas the
                       A lot teenagers around this age start  individual has fully matured and the teen experience
        doing various different kinds of acts which are  and the cruel indifference of the universe passes on to
        labelled as ‘faulty’ or ‘unpolished’ by society when in  the next generation only to ultimately be defeated by
        fact the poor children are just discovering how they  the indomitable human spirit.
        themselves  integrate  as  an  individual  in  the  world
        they live in. The constant need for validation whether            Master Sameer Thomas
        it may be academic (it mostly is) or any other form               Class- XII-E
        and on the opposite end of the spectrum the sense                 S/O Dr. Simon Thomas
        of indifference towards approval or disapproval clash
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