Page 30 - SANIDHYA M_2023
P. 30

Value of Games in Education

             ames teach us the importance of cooperative                    Games can also help to faster a range
        Gefforts and make us disciplined. They teach  of important cognitive and social skills. For example,
        us how to command and how to obey. The aim of  strategy games can help students develop critical
        education is all development of the human personality.  thinking and problem solving skills, while role
        Therefore, education should provide opportunities  playing games can help students develop empathy and
        for  the physical, intellectual, spiritual and moral          perspective  taking. Multiplayer games can
        development of the pupils.                                        also help students develop teamwork
                       There      are                                              and collaboration skills, as
        many benefits to play games                                                        they work together to
        in the classroom. When                                                                 achieve a common
        planning lessons, teachers                                                               goal.
        should  try  to  incorporate
        at least one game a day                                                                    In    addition
        into one of the key                                                                        to providing
        learning areas as either                                                                     fun     and
        a teaching and learning                                                                        engaging
        tools,       assessment                                                                         learning
        strategy or classroom
        motivator.  The  value
        of games and sports                                                                          experience
        is recognized by all                                                                        ga m es
        educationists. Books                                                                        incorporate
        develop our mind.                                                                           elements of
        Games develop our body.                                                                   ass essment,
        There is a sound mind in a                                                              such as quizzes
        sound body.                                                                            or        puzzles,
                       Everybody    wants                                                     which can be used
        to remain free from diseases. Everybody                                           to    gauge    students
        desires physical fitness game make our  body                      understanding of key concepts. This can
        strong. They expand our lungs and improve the blood  provide teachers with valuable feedback on students’
        circulation. They fill the body with strength. Games  areas where additional support may be needed.
        provide freshness to the mind after the day’s work.                 Overall, the value of game in education
        Games and sports teach us the spirit of sportsmanship,  is becoming increasingly recognized, with many
        honesty, punctuality and regularity of habits. They also  educators incorporating games into their teaching
        teach us team spirit, leadership and obedience. Games  practices. Games provide an engaging and interactive
        teach us the importance of cooperative efforts and  learning experience, foster important cognitive and
        make us disciplined. They teach us how to command  social skills and can be an effective assessment tool.
        and how to obey.                                      As such, games are likely to play an increasingly
                       Games can be used in a variety of  important role in education in the year to come.
        educational settings, from formal classrooms to
        informal learning environment. They can be used to                 Name- Anushka Ojha
        teach academic subjects, such as math, science and                 Class- 6th
        history as well as social skills, problem solving and              D/o Ranjit Kumar Ojha
        critical thinking. Games can also be used to help                  3 Signal BN CRPF
        students develop practical skills, such as coding,                 Salt lake,Sector-5, Kolkata
        design and teamwork.
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