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would otherwise be partnered with their better halves  and community networks, that aim to assist armed
        making her feels fretful to move on. This situation of  forces families in addressing and overcoming
        helplessness to get support of each other makes the  challenges which could be combatted by providing
        entire family suffer resulting to heavy psychological  errand  supports. The  initiative  of association such
        stress which subsequently passes in the entire family  as CWA, AWWA, AFWWA, BWWA, HWWA,
        composition resulting shattered family instead of  NWWA etc. in counseling, motivating and facilitating
        bonded family.                                        women’s to come up with fly Colours. The recognition
                       Additionally, Women who work rigid  and understanding of the unique  difficulties faced
        schedules experience more family issues than women  by armed forces families and to make mechanism in
        who work flexible schedules, particularly in situation  helping them to nurture a supportive environment to
        when their spouses are away from them and cannot  ensure their well-being as welfare.
        cooperate in  regular household chores which has                    Subsequently, some of other challenges
        resulted into a variety of health problems, including  in the life of armed force personnel could be address
        regular hypertension, headaches, obesity, and many  by adapting to  hybrid work arrangements during
        others, the effect of which is often reflected upon the  peace posting so as to facilitate the officers to fulfill
        entire  family. It has also been found that officer in  their duties without compromising their assignment
        armed forces could hardly make their availability at  and also maintaining a greater level of flexibility
        home to support their ailing family members because  and family connectivity during periods of stability.
        of which frustration prevails over pleasure as a result  Such support mechanism may help in keeping the
        the stress becomes dominant and  the balance in life  family tied up to the bond. A little flexibility and
        is hardly achieved. Yet other factors that adds to fury  compassionate arrangements in work place will not
        in the chain of challenges and stress for a woman such  only keep the serving member satisfied as they would
        as childcare arrangement and everyday household  spend a relatively more time with their families but
        management.                                           would also reduce the burden of separation and
                       The issues  highlighted could be  subsequently facilitate improved work-life balance.
        controlled to a great extent, if the society start adopting  Additionally, it would leverage the armed forces
        flexible and compassionate working environment  spouses to pursue their own professional endeavors.
        particularly for working women as all of these stress-              The dire need in nutshell is to develop
        inducing issues could be mitigated if resolved in a  arrangements such as establishing hybrid work
        three prolonged approach.                             models, organizing counseling services, resources
                       The first initiation could be taken by  for service members and their families. Also, a major
        the institution that lends a hand to working women  change is expected from the perspectives of workers,
        in the form of superior and subordinate assistance as  relatives, and the public to support so as to ensure
        well as a sufficient number of paid and unpaid leaves  holistic development of society.
        at their place of work.
                       The second be taken by the working
        women itself by resorting to seeking benefit from
        stress-relieving measures such as spending time with
        family, yoga and meditation, entertainment and music    Dr. Anurika Vaish,
        and so on.                                              Spouse Name: Pradipta Kumar Sahu
                       The third initiation is fostered by      (Second in Command, IRLA 5255)
        the organization of armed forces personnel. Due         Place of Posting: Staff Officer at Range
        cognizance be given on building support programs        Sambalpur (TAC. Rayagada)
        that focuses on striving quality of life and work life   Present Residential Address:  506-A,
        balance to the extent possible,  counseling services,   Mumfordganj,Prayagraj-211002 (U.P)

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