Page 7 - SANIDHYA M_2023
P. 7


          n today’s society life without plastic is nearly  plastic continuously then it creates pollution in our
        Iimpossible; we depend on it for our basic needs.  surrounding and even due to this we face many
        Some of the things made of plastic which are used by  problems such as diseases, breathing problem, Air
        us in our daily life such as plastic bags, water bottles,  pollution etc. Due to this our health has been affected.
        buckets, tap, etc made of various types of plastics            It also affect out ecosystem as well as our food-
        which are used by us so long that it is very difficult  chain. It we find plastic here and there then many
        to imagine our life without Plastic this, makes                        animals  such  as  Cows,  Buffalos
        a plastic boon of us plastic also become                                      swallow it then it harms
        curse when we use the things made of                                          then. From our smartphone
        plastic excessively because we do not                                         to  computers  to medical
        decompose the plastic properly                                               devices plastic exist in every
        so it cannot be recycled.                                                     sphere of our lives.
                 We know that all types                                                     We can use jute-bags and
        of plastic cannot be recycled it                                              other materials in place of
        is only possible in some types of                                           plastic, paper bag, clothes bag.
        plastic, when we decompose plastic                                         We use glass, cups that are made
        in soil. The materials or objects made                                    of coconut shell, Natural Bel cup,
        of plastic are non-biodegradable so                                      and other things made of wood,
        it do not decomposed easily. Even                                       Kulhar etc. it cannot harm only
        burning of plastic produce extremely                                   our environment but it also enters
        harmful gases.                                                         in oceans and become a threat for
                    Many times we see that the use                            the marine life. Plastic cause serious
        of plastic objects are scattered outside here                      damage to the environment both during
        and there near roadside. Even we can see the people  its production and disposal. If we can recycle or reuse,
        in Urban or Rural area clean our homes and their  then it will quickly refuse. We also do many awareness
        Private property and then they throw waste products/  programs against it.
        garbage on road and outside their house. If we use

                                          “ BE A PART OF THE SOLUTION
                                         NOT A PART OF THE POLLUTION”
                                    Keep calm and protecting the lungs of the planet

                                                                                            Name – khushi kumara
                                                                                            D/O no. 065174893
                                                                                            Class -10TH ,
                                                                                            School- K.V. CRPF,
                                                                                            Dhurwa, Ranchi

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