Page 8 - SANIDHYA M_2023
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Name:- Yogesh Jaiswal
The transformative power of Class:- XI(JEE)
Mother Name:- Smt. Gomti Kumari
Movies in Education Fathers Name:- Sh. Shyam Kumar Jaiswal
Address In front of C.R.P.F Camp,Bhami,Bilash-
ovies have been a popular form of that fasters active participants and engagements. This
Mentertainment of all time, well their impacts on helps students develop a genuine inters tint he subjects
humans extends far beyond more Amusement when matter and promote a love for lifelong journey.
thoughtfully incorporated into education, movies 3) Promoting cultural understandings:-
can serve as powerful tool for engaging students to Movies can be an invaluable tool for
stimulate their critical thinking, and pestering a promoting cultural understanding and empathy, by
deeper understanding of various subject for showcasing different perspectives diverse
eg:- If you don’t like the subject math’s cultures, and global issues, films
or don’t have interest in it you can encourage students to develop a
watch movies like:- Hidden figures, broader worldview. Movies with
the imitation game etc. and, for themes of tolerance, acceptance
math’s as I already told you now it’s and social justice can spare
time for science, for subject like meaningful discussions,
science, this subject seems pretty challenging students to
boring because as we read only text think.. Critically and Embrace
books we don’t try to understand diversity.
it thoroughly to understand it in a 4. Stimulating critical thinking
better way or understand it interesting Movies often present complex
way mean to visualize it, you can watch narratives and through provoking
movies like interstellar gravity etc. themes that require students to Analyse
Now, this article explores the profound relationship and Interpret. By incorporating films that explores
between education and movies, highlighting the moral dilemmas, ethical issues, or societal challenges
benefits of incorporating films into the learning educators can foster critical thinking skills in students.
process and providing examples of successful Such movies encourage students to questions evaluate
integration. and articulate their perspectives, fostering intellectual
1) Enhancement or enhancing learning growth and analytical reasoning.
experience: 5. To be in discipline or to be a disciplined student.
Movies offer a unique visual and auditory experience Movie like 127 hours is best example for this point
that can greatly enhance the learning process and because in this movie the Actor didn’t told her Mom
can make it a bit easier. Movies bring subjects to that where he is going and he got stuck in a cane and
life making complex concepts more accessible and come back after 127 hours in that movie he had to face
relatable to students for instance, historical movies a lot of problems while he was in cane to come up from
can transport students to different eras, immersing that cane he suffered a lot and faces so much which
them in the sights and sands of the past, which aids in is beyond mine and
comprehension and retention. y o u r s
2) Engaging Students:-
Traditional teaching methods after struggle to
capture and hold students attention movies, However
have a captivation nature that naturally appeals to
learners by antiquating educational films, teachers
can create an immersive and interactive environment