Page 6 - Pioneer Principles Magazine
P. 6
protect the team
At Pioneer Title Agency we know our success is directly
linked to our people. We promise to help and cheer our
team members as they grow, both in and out of the
office. We believe some of our strongest leaders within
this organization started at entry-level jobs. Having
them find success on their own path is much better than
having a stuffy corporate culture that is focused on
quarterly earnings reports and investors.
We promise to lift our team members up, provide
learning opportunities, and promote growth from within.
We aim to have all our employees feel heard by
providing multiple opportunities to voice their ideas.
In order for our team members to grow and become
their best selves, we understand we must be their ally.
We promise to work with our team and champion them in
good and bad times. We provide competitive benefits to
protect our team in and out of the office. We work hard
to protect jobs even in the down cycles. PROTECT THE CUSTOMER:
protect the Customer
The support goes well beyond business. It does not start
At Pioneer Title Agency, protecting the customer reaches
at 8 AM and end at 5 PM. This team is family always.
far past title insurance. With 100’s of years of combined,
When someone is facing adversity, we are there to help
local title and escrow experience, we ensure the rights to
those in need. Whether they or their family is affected
the customer's property are fully disclosed, and that the
by a hardship, they will be supported. We believe this
transfer of title is completed with service that is timely,
level of support allows our team to provide
professional, and personal, but not stuffy.
our customers with the BEST service possible.
ASK YOURSELF: We promise to educate the customer on their transaction
and provide them with the tools to protect their property,
Am I listening to my team members ideas? How can I
funds, and family. At Pioneer Title Agency, we aim to
champion (support) my PTA family in and out of the
provide an exceptional experience and want to know if
we did not meet that mark so we can make things right.
We promise to protect the customer by staying in the
know and being active members of associations such as;
American Land Title Association, Land Title Association of
Arizona, American Escrow Association, Arizona State
Escrow Association, and more.
We promise to remain Real Estate Settlement Procedures
Act (RESPA) compliant in all our transactions and
relationships. We fight for our customers by advocating
for them in regard to important matters such as; Remote
Online Notarization (RON), Wire Transfer Fraud, RESPA,
and more.
Have I verbally warned the customer about wire fraud?
What tools can I provide to ensure the customer is
prepared and confident in their transaction?