Page 7 - Pioneer Principles Magazine
P. 7
be different love Arizona
We promise to stay “weird.” We are a company made up We are proud to be an Arizona company, living and
of diverse people, and as such we do not shy away from working alongside our customers in the same
being different from our peer group. We set our own communities. By offering our services and having offices
standards and strive to be an example. We likewise in small towns and urban centers; Pioneer provides
embrace the individuality of our team members and exceptional careers that help boost our economy all
branches. We understand our strength comes from our across this great state. We support our communities by
differences. We understand every team member brings supplying career opportunities, protecting property
value and plays an important role in who we are. rights, using the services of other local businesses, and
getting involved in local causes. The health of our
We encourage our team members to play to their communities and our company are deeply tied, and we
strengths for the benefit of the team by utilizing promise to do what we can to help make Arizona a
behavioral analysis and communication tools. Because better place to live and work.
every role, from entry level to management, plays an
integral part in Pioneer Title Agency. At Pioneer Title Agency, we do what we can for Arizona
through our philanthropic efforts. Every year we work
We support our branch offices adding their own pizzazz together for a special cause. We love Arizona.
and sparkle to their transactions and their community.
We promise to serve our community and customers with ASK YOURSELF:
a sprinkle of fun and a smile on the side! We promise to What are the specific needs within my community? How
provide a hometown, family-feel. We promise to let can I make a difference in the community where I live
entire teams embrace their individuality! and work?
What can I do to be “weird” today? How can I make my
customers feel more than a number?
leave things better
At Pioneer Title Agency, everything we do is in hopes of
leaving things better and spreading positivity. We aim to
go above and beyond for our team, our customers, and
our communities. From simple phone calls to massive
community projects, we hope to make lives better
because we were a part of it.
Leaving things better is so much more than cleaning up
title work, even though that is a big part of what we do.
We understand a real estate purchase is a stressful
time, and we need to go above the standard to educate
and empower our people and our customers to provide
an experience to remember.
YOU matter, YOU are important. Our company is better
because of each team member and every customer that
we serve. Our hope is that YOUR life is better because
of US.
How can I end this interaction with the other person
happier than when I met them? How can I improve and
help the small details shine? Did individuals feel
understood and important? Am I accessible?