Page 6 - MTMBrochures2019
P. 6

I          N              T            R             O             D              U             C             T            I          O              N

        Time is invisible, after long-      Timepieces such as the
        term learning and observation       sundial, gnomon, water
        from daily life experiences,        clock, clepsydra, sand clock,
        ancient people gradually            and mechanical clock and
        mastered the periodicity of         watch, help us transform the
        astronomy and nature law,           invisible flow of time into
        such as the rising and setting      measurable motion. As a
        of the sun, the waxing, and         practical daily life instrument,
        waning of the moon, and             timepieces are closely related
        seasonal changes. They              to all of us. Every timepiece
        started to use these periodical     is a combination of science
        phenomena as scales of time         and art, the gem of mankind
        so that they can work in an         wisdom, and the extension of
        orderly manner. As a result,        the humanistic spirit.
        different kinds of timepieces
        were invented and developed
        throughout human history.

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