Page 7 - MTMBrochures2019
P. 7

I  N  T  R  O  D  U  C           T            I           O             N

        Macau is a meeting place for        In our museum, the earliest
        Eastern and Western culture         collection dates to 400 years
        and commerce, it plays an           ago, we invite all who are
        important role in China’s           interested in horology to join
        horology history. Along with        us in enrichment and learning.
        the change of time, this part       And soon, there will be more
        of history in Macau has been        special personal collections
        more or less neglected, and yet     exhibitions held in our
        need to be further discovered       museum.The museum consists
        and studied.                        of several exhibition areas:
        To  promote  the  horological  contemporary wristwatch area,
        culture  and  knowledge,  and  Joint exhibitions of collectors,
        contribute to Macau’s historical  Panerai exhibition area,
        heritage, as a private museum,  antique clocks and pocket
        Macau     Timepiece     Museum  watches area, timepiece fans
        is  honored  to  present  our  interactive area, and activity
        curator’s timepiece collection to  and exhibition area, each
        the public.                         of them will show different
                                            timepieces that span time and

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