Page 52 - OSEP Educator LG
P. 52
2.3 - Aims and Outcomes
Planning a good introduction
The following (INTROA) or (GLOSS) are useful ways to remember the elements of a good
introduction (start) to your training session:
Grab the participants’
I Interest Create interest G Grab
Explain why
Link to previous
participants need to
N Need L Link learning
know the material to
be covered
Give a clear picture of
Explain what the
T Topic O Outcomes what they are expected
session is about
to learn
Explain what will be Tell them how the
R Range S Structure
covered session will be run
Safety and OHS brief, toilets,
Explain what they
O Outcomes S House facilities, attendance,
will achieve
keeping mobiles off etc.
Explain how they will
A Assessment be assessed
Page 50 OSEP Educator Learner’s Guide