Page 95 - OSEP Educator LG
P. 95
Remained within the pre-determined Aligned to the requirements set
timelines out in the Guides
Incorporated the use of LCD and other Were explained to participants
resources appropriately prior to commencement
Was delivered at the level suitable for the Prepared participants for
needs of the target group their workplace
Was translated to participants’ own Completed, marked and signed
language where needed off progressively
In relation to the workplace assessment The evaluation by participants:
participants were:
Informed of the workplace assessment Confirmed that the training and
requirements including time, place and assessment met their needs
activities to be assessed
Given time to ask questions about the Confirmed that the training was
workplace assessment time, date, activities delivered at the appropriate level
and my contact number
Provided the assessment kits to be used Agreed that the training was engaging
and relevant
Given my contact details to use if they need Identified the strengths and
to weaknesses of the Educator
Aware of their rights and responsibilities Provided useful feedback for
improving or modifying future
In completing the documentation and records I have:
Task Yes Task Yes
Collected and submitted completed Left the training facilities in a clean
registration forms from every participant and tidy state
Collected and submitted completed Returned any LCD or resources to
evaluation forms from each participant if the relevant location if required
Ensured the attendance register was Discussed my program with a mentor
completed accurately and returned it to or manager
the relevant administration person for
data entry
OSEP Educator Learner’s Guide Page 89