Page 19 - GNOC Policies and Procedures Handbook
P. 19

5.2.4  Return

                         Employees travelling on Office business should  return to their  normal work location  when
                          required by their supervisor.  It is not intended that the Office subsidise an employee’s leave

                       •  Any and all personal advantages planned to be obtained through official travel are to be
                          disclosed and authorised prior to travelling.

                   5.2.5  Travel Booked But Not Taken/Ticket Transferability

                       •  Unused airline tickets must be returned to the Office redeemed either as a credit to the
                          employee where no claim for expenses has been made or held by the supervisor against future
                          employee business needs.

                       •  Airlines Tickets written in the name of one employee are not to be used by any other employee
                          as they are issued as "non-transferable".  Usage by other than the named person invalidates any
                          future claim against the airline (obviously).

                   5.2.6  Guiding Principles

                       •  Office staff will plan their travel priorities based on their annual work programs and budgets
                          using their professional judgment and bearing in mind accountability to the Organization.

                       •  Staff must seek and obtain approval from a person delegated to approve travel expenditure as
                          per the expenditure limits.

                       •  Travel shall be arranged using the preferred supplier.

                       •  Staff will only undertake funded travel when it is safe to do so, having reasonable regard to
                          available information.

                       •  Staff will only undertake funded travel when they are medically fit to do so.

                       •  Staff who undertake or authorise GNOC funded travel are accountable for compliance with
                          this policy.  No staff member may approve his/her own travel or benefits.

                       •  Financial support for approved travel will be consistent with the purpose of the travel.

                       •  Travel arrangements must give due regard to a work/life balance whereby staff when expected
                          to travel during weekends will be given the option of 1 day in lieu immediately upon return.

                   5.2.7  Preferred Travel Supplier

                       •  The travel agents and airline selected by the Organization as Preferred GNOC Travel Supplier
                          are specified in Appendix C.

                          Travel booking will be with the Preferred GNOC Travel Supplier in the first instance.

                          In the case of exceptional circumstances other suppliers may be used but the approval of either
                          Secretary General or Executive Director must be obtained.

                       •  Tendering procedures for obtaining a Preferred Supplier are outlined under the Procurement
                          Policy in Section 4.7.

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