Page 10 - Our Hands FALL 2019
P. 10

Photo by Andrew Jameson


        Wayne County’s Freedom Village

        to Help Resettle Refugees in Hamtramck

        Program leverages federal funds to provide housing

        to immigrants and refugees

                     ayne County is partnering with      be more proud that Wayne Metro is a partner in
                     Wayne Metropolitan Community        welcoming refugees to our community where they
            WAction Agency, Samaritas and the            can live and breathe free.”
            City of Hamtramck as part of Freedom Village,
            a resettlement program designed to provide   The Wayne County HOME Investment
            refugees and immigrants with temporary,      Partnerships Program (HOME), a federal grant
            affordable housing. Funded with federal housing   program through the U.S. Department of
            dollars, construction of three two-family homes   Housing and Development (HUD), is a tool that
            in Hamtramck is already underway and project   supports affordable housing by providing rental
            completion is expected by the summer of 2020.  housing and homeownership opportunities for
                                                         low-income families.
            “Freedom Village seeks to provide a better life
            to low-income refugees and immigrants by     “Samaritas is incredibly excited to be partnering
            surrounding them with the resources they need   with Wayne County and Wayne Metro for this
            to eventually pursue permanent homeownership   important project that will create opportunities
            opportunities,” said Wayne County Executive   for affordable transitional housing for the New
            Warren C. Evans.  “We are a welcoming county   Americans families in our care,” said Sam
            that derives its strength from the diversity of its   Beals, Samaritas CEO. “Samaritas is the lead
            residents, and this project epitomizes that core   organization in Michigan helping to resettle
            value.”                                      refugee families for more than 70 years, and
                                                         having beautiful builds like this one, appropriately
            The purpose of the Hamtramck project is to   called Freedom Village, in Hamtramck, is much
            develop new-construction affordable housing   needed and a great location for this project as a
            on Wayne County Land Bank-owned parcels in   welcoming city in metro Detroit.”
            the City of Hamtramck, with Wayne County
            Metropolitan Community Action Agency         A development agreement between the City
            serving as the property developer and owner and   of Hamtramck, County of Wayne, Wayne
            Samaritas serving as the refugee placement and   Metropolitan Community Action Agency,
            services provider. The program is designed to   Samaritas, and the Wayne County Land Bank
            leverage partner resources to provide job training,   Corporation outlines each organization’s
            school readiness and homebuyer assistance that   responsibilities under this unique arrangement.
            better position the families to pursue permanent
            home ownership opportunities while temporarily
            housing them near resources like Wayne County’s
            Federally Qualified Health Center in Hamtramck.

            “Freedom Village is a beacon of hope and
            compassion. The project demonstrates Wayne
            County’s commitment to America’s longstanding
            practice of helping people seeking asylum,” said
            Wayne Metro CEO Louis D. Piszker. “I couldn’t

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