Page 11 - Our Hands FALL 2019
P. 11


                                         One child ... One family ...
              LIFT UP

                  Saginaw                One neighborhood at a time

                 amaritas has a long history of providing services and care for seniors and disadvantaged communities
                 in Michigan, dating back to our first community center established in the 1930s. We embrace the   16,862
            Sresponsibility we have to serve vulnerable people to the very best of our ability. An excellent example
            is the Samaritas Community Center (formerly called Neighborhood House), in Saginaw’s urban        MEALS SERVED
            Southside. South Saginaw is not an easy place to raise a family, largely due to a lack of economic and
            educational opportunities. Many residents face daily concerns regarding safety, and suffer financial
            hardship that limits their access to affordable healthy eating choices or even the use of a home computer.
            The Samaritas Community Center provides a safe haven for children in challenging neighborhoods.
            Children are welcomed after school to focus on homework and safe extracurricular activities. Families   84%
            are welcomed in the evenings for a hot meal. Adolescents and young adults find safety at the Community   CHILDREN HAD
            Center during the day, along with guidance toward education and job placement, as well as building the   PASSING GRADES
            courage to stay away from the lure of local gangs.

            Saginaw is also home to Samaritas’ Senior Living Community, newly renovated after a 3-year investment.
            Our community offers memory care, skilled nursing or rehabilitation. Expert clinical teams help evaluate
            individual needs to determine what program will best meet your needs while also allowing for the most
            independence possible. Rooted in faith, we believe in the whole person; mind, body and spirit and     100%
            provide care to meet each need. We have served the Saginaw community for over 70 years, and are
            looking forward to another 70! For more information on Lift Up Saginaw or to join one of our uplifting   WOULD RECOMMEND
            program tours, please contact DeeDee McVety at or call (313) 308 - 8861.    SAMARITAS SENIOR
                                                                                                              LIVING SAGINAW

                              Who's Lifting Up Saginaw? Andre Buckley

               Growing Up at the Neighborhood House

                                   For Andre Buckley, the Samaritas
                                   Community Center - formerly
                                   Neighborhood House - was
                                   a part of his life ever since he
                                   can remember. He grew up in a
                                   little red house that today, is the
                                   Center’s parking lot. "I was at the
                                   Neighborhood House whenever it
                                   was open.

               There were always activities going on…The Center
               did a great job of matching kids to programs. And       Samaritas Community Center. “It has the potential to be
               holidays were always celebrated…Because maybe           a real catalyst in that area. It fills a void and could really
               there might not have been a celebration at home.”       go a long way to getting the neighborhood back to its
               Andre enjoyed playing sports, especially basketball. “I
               wasn’t that great of a basketball player, but I did like   Andre eventually outgrew the Neighborhood House
               watching the tournaments.” He also enjoyed going to     and went on to college and a lucrative career in wealth
               nearby Wickes Park for fishing and remembers the        management and now real estate. But the memories
               summer lunch program fondly.                            he has of the fun times and friends he met are good
               His mentors were the older kids. “They looked out for
               me and didn’t let me get into trouble,” he laughs. Andre   “That sense of family, that togetherness…That’s what I
               is excited about the charter school opening at the      remember most about growing up in that

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