Page 14 - Our Hands FALL 2019
P. 14



                      “Be the Rock”

                Made Some Waves

                 ecause of you and your commitment to being a ripple of   Samaritas Volunteer Service Award
                 transformation, on September 30 at our Be the Rock      Presented to New Holland Brewing Company for dedicated
            BDinner Celebration, Samaritas raised over $220,000!         commitment and exemplary volunteerism.
            Presented by Pinnacle Construction Group and hosted at the
            Amway Grand Plaza hotel, the evening was a smashing success and   Samaritas Corporate Partnership Award
            the funds raised will go to support critical Samaritas programs.
                                                                         Presented to Miller Johnson Attorneys for unwavering
            The event, chaired by Michael and Carolyn Garrett and Brett and   dedication to the mission of Samaritas.
            Pam VanderKamp, and co-chaired by John and Sandy Lowery      Samaritas Ambassador Award
            and Bing and Jean Goei featured Rebecca Deng who shared her
            hauntingly beautiful and inspiring story as a Lost Girl. Rebecca   Presented to Mark and LaRae Odland for leadership and
            was one of the first unaccompanied refugee children to enter   guidance in promoting advocacy and increased community
            the United States in 2000. She recently released a book, “What   awareness
            They Meant For Evil”, an account of her unimaginable journey.   Samaritas Leadership Award
            Maranda, from WOTV 4, who interviewed Rebecca when she first
            arrived in the United States, facilitated the discussion at Be the   Presented to Senator Peter MacGregor for his work in family
            Rock.                                                        preservation in West Michigan.
            Brett and Janelle Beimer were the mission speakers. Their motto   Another highlight of the evening was the loaded silent and live
            has been, “if we have the resources, as opposed to building a bigger   auctions. Packages included weekend getaways, dinners at fine
            wall, build a bigger table.” With that philosophy, they have fostered   restaurants, spa days, and hotel overnights. The live auction
            over 20 children and adopted 5. They challenged the audience to   featured a digital billboard from GR Outdoor, a painting
            make a bigger ripple in their own lives. It was a highlight of the   created onsite from Erick Picardo, Handcrafted Michigan
            evening.                                                     Adirondack chairs, and a tasting dinner for 6 from New
                                                                         Holland Brewing Company.
                                  The GE 36th Street Band entertained
                                  the crowd during the receptions with
                                   their toe-tapping big band hits and the    THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS!
                                   Imani Choir opened the program with                 Presenting:     Celebration:
                                    a beautiful hymn.
                                    The awards presentation highlighted
                                     West Michigan community leaders
                                     and influencers who are rocks
                                      starting the ripples of transformation
                                      for all the people in our care:

                   Rebecca Deng                                                         LaRae & Mark

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