Page 23 - Our Hands FALL 2019
P. 23


                                                                                                                Joshua Baron
                                                                                                                Chaplain - Senior Living
                 completely knoWn. completely accepted.

            "Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it          This is good news to one of the saints living at Samaritas named
            completely." (Psalm 139:4)                                 William. Whenever I ask for prayer requests during one of our
                                                                       weekly gatherings William always offers what is on his heart with
                                                                       sounds that only the Holy Spirit and William can discern. And
            "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our
                                                                       even though it is so difficult to understand what William says, it
            weakness. We do not know what we ought to                  is a thrill to affirm and validate him by saying, “God hears your
            pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us         prayer, William!”
            through wordless groans. And he who searches               And this is good news to another saint living at Samaritas

            our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because           named Margaret. She hardly ever misses a Bible study or chapel
            the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in                  service, and so is always present when residents share some of
                                                                       their stories of tragedy, trial, and hardship. And naturally, a
            accordance with the will of God." (Romans 8:26-27)         question that someone asks as follow up in this conversation is
                                                                       “Why did God let that happen?” I’ve never heard a sufficient
            "The Lord does not look at the things people look          answer as to why God allows certain tragedies in our life so
            at. People look at the outward appearance, but             I’ve stopped trying to provide an easy answer or nice Christian
                                                                       platitude. Instead I say, “I don’t know why God allowed that to
            the Lord looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7)              happen. That must’ve been so difficult for you.” And out of the
                                                                       silence, with a voice brimming with empathy, compassion, and
            These verses often come to mind as I go about my daily work   trust, Margaret will always say, “But God knows.”
            as chaplain of Samaritas Senior Living in Grand Rapids. I have
            many opportunities to worship and pray with people living with   And this is good news for those who care for loved ones liv-
            dementia. One of the things that dementia can rob a person of   ing with dementia, too. The role of caregiver can be filled with
            is the ability to communicate with words. That’s because part of   loneliness and isolation. Caregivers often communicate differ-
            the brain that dementia attacks first is the frontal lobe in the left   ently with a loved one who is living with dementia, withhold-
            hemisphere of the brain. This part of the brain is responsible   ing certain information for their own well-being, or stuck in
            for producing and processing language. This results in problems   a repetitive pattern of conversation. Sometimes a caregiver is
            with word-finding skills. In late-stage dementia, a person may   simply too drained or tired to put words to their emotions and
            lose the ability to speak at all. In effect, a person living with   so they express what’s on their heart through tears. God knows
            dementia may know what they want to say but be unable to say   the groaning of your heart and accepts you completely, too.
            it. How frustrating that must be! It can also lead to
            embarrassment and have a negative impact on feelings of
            self-worth, leading to withdrawal, isolation, and depression.  If you have a loved one living with dementia, please
                                                                         consider joining a Caregiver Support Group. You can
            But, scripture promises us that even when we can’t find the   find a support group near you by visiting www.alz.
            words to say or pray, God hears us! The God who made us      org/help-support/community/support-groups.
            knows us intimately - even better than we know ourselves. God   Samaritas Senior Living in Grand Rapids also
            knows the words and prayers that are in our heart but can’t find   provides a support group which meets every 2nd
            their way to our lips. And the God who made us and knows us   Monday of the month. Please contact Josh Baron
            also loves and accepts us…Just the way we are.               at for more information.

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