Page 19 - Our Hands SPRING 2019
P. 19
Affordable Living
for seniors, families and
persons with disabilities
Staff Share Stories of Impact
There is an 85 year old resident who
moved here from Iowa to be closer to
"family. Unfortunately, her family has
become disassociated with her care. So
the other residents and staff have really
come to her aid when it comes to both
her physical and mental health. One of
the other residents got her help when she
was having diabetes -related foot problems.
She is able to have an interpreter to better
communicate after it seems she had some ALPENA arrangement. In 1995, she had heard
mini-strokes. The Service Coordinator was Alpena residents now receive quarterly about Sequoia Place and somehow
also able to appeal to DHHS for help with TEFAP food distribution delivery knew that this was the place she wanted
maintaining her unit as well. The resident "instead of having to drive to another to be and began writing and preparing
location to receive this food. There are
is very appreciative of all of the help she has 48 residents participating. Residents were the paperwork to apply. She was very
received." very grateful to receive this important hesitant to go through the moving
process but was finally granted approval
MUSKE GON food delivery in February 2019. This food to move in last year. At first, she was very
The youngest resident is a 44 year distribution has many food items never reclusive and did not speak to anyone.
old man with Cerebral Palsy. He was received in the monthly commodity food Slowly, she has been coming out of her
"not looking forward to the prospect distribution such as frozen blueberries, shell and has begun interacting with
of living in a group home which was his frozen meat, walnut pieces and many other other residents. She never misses an
only other option. Fortunately, Samaritas items that can be difficult to purchase opportunity to express her gratitude and
accepted him as a resident. Since then, he with a limited income. The Service thankfulness for the chance to live at her
has really thrived in this environment and Coordinator worked with Northeast
the other residents have taken him under Michigan Community Service Agency facility. She has even brought the original
their wing to help him out when needed. (NEMCSA) to bring this quarterly paperwork she saved back from 1995
He has lived here since 2014 and is a true TEFAP food distribution to the residents. as proof of her eagerness to become a
success story in inclusiveness." Quarterly food distributions will continue Sequoia Place resident."
to be delivered throughout the year."
A gentlemen, whose prior living ROCHE S TER HILLS Recently, there was a prospective
arrangement was not a good one, In 2013, a very tight-knit group of tenant who was coming out of an
"moved in approximately two years five men formed. They each came "abusive situation involving her
ago. He also had been paying very high "from different backgrounds….some husband. She has some speech issues
rent. Upon move in, the property was were veterans, others from different and also has a guardian. At times,
able to offer him a huge break on his cultures. The game of pool seemed to be tenants such as this have trouble
rent. The Service Coordinator was also the common bond that brought them transitioning into a new environment,
able to provide additional services such as together. Over the next few years, this particularly when seniors are concerned.
the quarterly food program, food stamps friendship saw them through a few deaths While she was on a year-long waitlist,
and also found him a bed. Since then, and other difficult life events that only she was invited to the Meals on Wheels
the resident has flourished in his new served to strengthen their bond even program at the property. At first, she
environment." more. Their support and comradery started coming once in a while but soon
with each other was an inspiration for all that turned into about four days a week.
MONROE those who knew them. Presently, there is She even began joining in on Bingo as
There is a resident who has lived at only one remaining member living but well. This gave the residents a chance
the property since 2014 and has twin their group picture, standing arm in arm to get to know her. So when her time
"boys. She had been on Section 8 around the pool table, still remains to came to become an official resident, the
and working 20 hours per week in retail. this day. It is a testament to the power of transition into this new facility caused
Through no fault of her own, she was friendship." very little disruption for either the tenant
laid off from several jobs in a row and was or the other residents as they has already
really struggling. With some assistance ANN ARBOR established a relationship. This shows
from the office staff, she was able to put Before she moved in to Sequoia the importance of keeping a connection
together a resume and just got a job at Place, a 94 year old resident was with someone who’s on the waiting list."
La-Z-Boy. Now she is doing very well and "very introverted and spent most of
starting to save for a house." her time secluded in her previous living