Page 23 - Our Hands SPRING 2019
P. 23
“Enriching a Rich History”
Congregational Partnerships
By Rev. Dr. Niklaus C. Schillack
The rich history of Samaritas is one of growing and diverse Three pillars of service focus the partnerships between
service to our neighbors in need by partnering with congregations and Samaritas: communication, service and
other organizations, especially congregations. Decades of financial support. These three areas help us be mutually
congregational outreach efforts came together in 1934 with supportive by clarifying our expectations as partners.
the founding of what is now called Samaritas. We were
started by Lutheran congregations, but our ecumenical strive The following explain these three pillars of partnership:
to serve and partner with a diverse group of people has grown • Communication – Congregational Partners empower
Samaritas into one of the largest faith-based nonprofits in people to know the facts.
Michigan. • Service – Congregational Partners empower people to
engage in active service.
This passion for partnership inspired us on April 5, 2016, • Financial Support – Congregational
to rename ourselves after the Good Samaritan, since the Partners empower people to give
Samaritan helped and healed the other person beside the generously.
road despite the differences between them. We are a diverse
organization dedicated to serving the beautiful mosaic of our People give high-fives to encourage, support
fellow children of God no matter who they are and no matter and congratulate others in their life journeys.
how they landed in their challenging circumstances. Samaritas has been giving high-fives to people
in need for many years. From our humble beginnings in 1934
Samaritas empowers congregations to join in our mission as a mission of the Lutheran Church, we grew to become
of serving people as an expression of the love of Christ. the Lutheran Charities, then Lutheran Social Services
Our vision is for the people of Michigan, and now
of your congregation and the Samaritas, giving hundreds
people Samaritas serves, who of thousands of high-fives to
are sometimes the exact same people along the way. Today,
people, to be enriched by Samaritas has grown to be
special partnerships that are the 6th largest non-profit
dedicated to improving lives. organization in Michigan.
By working with one another, There are 2,000 employees
the ministries of congregations and volunteers enacting
as well as Samaritas are many programs in cities all
strengthened, because together across our state, which itself
we can accomplish abundantly has been called the High-
more for other people than we Five State due to the shape
could ever achieve alone. of our two peninsulas.
There are three types of As Samaritas enters our
congregational partnerships 85th year of serving people
when serving with Samaritas. as an expression of the love
They are designed to meet the realities and needs of your of Christ, we are seeking your help to give more high-fives to
congregation’s mission as well as to clarify the ways your the 16,000 people each year whose lives positively transform
congregation can be more focused and effective in serving through the great work we share with you. Those who came
other people through Samaritas. Each level of partnership before us left an amazing legacy for us to steward. Now, we are
comes with different expectations so that Samaritas can best called upon to continue this blessing for generations to come.
support you in your unique contributions to the mission of
serving people as an expression of the love of Christ. Samaritas is sending dozens of leaders to partnering
congregations on May 5 to share the important message of
The following are the three congregational partnership levels: giving high-fives to people in need. A gift of $5, $50, or $500
• Congregational Leader – Actively engage in all three of will go a long way to continue our 85 years of impact as we
the three pillars of congregational partnership. give high-fives to people in need across our High-Five State.
• Congregational Advocate – Actively engage in at least two
of the three pillars of congregational partnership. To learn more about how you can high five people in need,
• Congregational Affiliate – Actively engage in at least one contact Jessica Scalabrino, Annual Fund Manager at
of the three pillars of congregational partnership. or 313.308.8892.