Page 22 - Randle Communications - 2017 Digital Influencer Report
P. 22


       Member                        Account Handle         Followers Following    Date Account       Influencer
                                                                                   Launched           Score
       Ted Gaines                    TedGaines              5,370       82         April 2009          50
       Tom Berryhill                 TomBerryhill           4,331       637        June 2011           51
       Toni Atkins                   SenToniAtkins          1,367       495        December 2016  57
       Tony Mendoza                  MrTonyMendoza          3,261       216        April 2009          49
       *Influencer Scores pulled in October 2017

       Nearly all California State Senators are also on Twitter (97.5 percent). Senator Jerry Hill is the
       only Senator who does not have an account. Senators Bill Monning and Ben Hueso have
       Twitter accounts, but are not active. Our report includes multiple accounts for lawmakers

       who use more than one profile.

       Overall, Senate pro Tem Kevin de León received the highest influencer score in the Senate
       (71).  Pro Tem de León gained recognition for authoring SB 54, California’s “Sanctuary State”
       measure. This coincided with his strong stance against President Donald Trump’s repeal of
       DACA and resulted in national media attention. Pro Tem de León received significant
       engagement from supporters and opponents on immigration policy issues as well.

       Senator Scott Wiener received the second highest influencer score in the Senate (69).
       Senator Wiener gained national attention for authoring SB 219, legislation that established a
       “LGBT Seniors Bill of Rights.” Senator Wiener also authored SB 35, a bill that streamlines the
       construction of affordable housing by eliminating certain administrative requirements. This
       bill was included in the #BringCAHome campaign.

       Senators Hannah-Beth Jackson and Richard Pan received the third highest scores in the
       Senate (63). Senator Jackson authored several high-profile issues during 2017, including SB
       224, legislation aimed at making sexual harassment in Silicon Valley illegal and SB 63, which
       extends parental leave benefits to medium-size employers in California.

       Senator Pan continues to use Twitter to highlight health care issues, including the benefits of
       vaccination. This stems from SB 277, legislation authored by Senator Pan and signed into law
       by Governor Jerry Brown in 2015. This bill eliminated the personal belief exemption from
       immunization requirements for children receiving a classroom-based education in California.
       This was a heavily debated topic that received attention from supporters and opponents
       around the country and continues to result in a high rate of engagement for Senator Pan.

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