Page 61 - 2018 yearbook
P. 61
Peer tutoring
ACTIVITY Middle-High 중 · 고등
Peer Tutoring took place from March to December 2018. The tutors for the Peer tutoring course were grade 12 and 11 students,
and those who attended the classes were selected as they had excelled in their given subject area. Subjects taught included AP Bio,
Math, Chinese, Korean, and English. There were two reasons for the establishment of the Peer tutoring courses. The first reason was
to give our senior students an opportunity to gain some experience in planning lessons and teaching, as some of them expressed an
interesting pursuing teaching as their future career. The second reason was to give our G7~G11 students a chance to get some extra
help with subjects that they found difficult. Overall the Peer Tutoring courses proved to be very successful, with the tutors gaining
valuable experience, and the students who participated obtaining access to in-depth tuition, helping them to excel in their academic
performance. | 63