Page 81 - DESCENSOS20222
P. 81

SEMT/MEC                            JEPPESEN                 MANTA, ECUADOR
              ELOY ALFARO INTL             10 JUN 22  10-3A .Eff.16.Jun.                     .SID.

                  Apt Elev
                   48        Trans alt: 4000

                                 ANLIR 4A [ANLI4A], ANSEX 4A [ANSE4A]
                                 ASDEL 4A [ASDE4A], BIXUT 4A [BIXU4A]
                                      MANTA 4A [MNV4A] DEPATURES
                                                   (RWY 24)

                                                     211^                              ANLIR
                       2700                                                            FL050
             35                                                          070^
                    D  MNV                          42           .W.6.
                      113.9 MNV
             30         FL050                                    ANLIR 4A
                   090^                                             .W.10.  092^  D20.0
                D10.0 MNV                R194    D7.5                                   FL040
                   3000                          MNV
             25  01-00                                            ANSEX 4A

                238^                 MANTA 4A                                           4000

             20                         014^  050^      D9.0 MNV                        2000
                                 .UW.7.  .W.7.  064^  .W.6.               4200        INTERVALS

             15                    104^                     149^ D20.0
                                 196^          ASDEL 4A

                                D20.0                                FL050
                         BIXUT 4A
                        BIXUT                2707              80-30
                                                        These SIDs require takeoff minimums:
                                                        Ceiling 120m, Visibility 800m; and a minimum
                                            2707        climb gradient of 5.0% (304 per NM).
                                M  N V   V OR            Gnd speed-KT   75  100  150  200  250  300
                                                         5.0% V/V (fpm)  380  506  760 1013 1266 1519
                                                   INITIAL CLIMB
                After takeoff, MAINTAIN runway heading to D10.0 MNV, cross at or above 3000.
                   SID                                     ROUTING
                            Turn LEFT on course 050^ to intercept airway W-6 (MNV R070) at D20.0 MNV/ANLIR
                ANLIR 4A
                            at or above FL050, or proceed according to ATC instructions.
                            Turn LEFT on course 064^ to intercept airway W-10 (MNV R092) at D20.0 MNV/ANSEX
                ANSEX 4A    at or above FL040, or proceed according to ATC instructions.
                            Turn LEFT on course 104^ to intercept airway W-6 (MNV R149) at D20.0 MNV/ASDEL
                ASDEL 4A
             5              at or above FL050, or proceed according to ATC instructions.
                            Turn LEFT on course 155^ to intercept airway W-7 (MNV R196) at D20.0 MNV/BIXUT
                 BIXUT 4A   at or above FL050, or proceed according to ATC instructions.
                            Turn LEFT on course 014^ (MNV R194) to MNV VOR, cross at or above FL050, then
                MANTA 4A
                            intercept airway, or proceed according to ATC instructions.
              CHANGES: Procedures upnumbered, bearings, D10.0 MNV alt restriction.  | JEPPESEN, 2021, 2022. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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