Page 13 - Layout 1
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Page 13:Layout 1 27/11/2015 14:55 Page 1
The IIBA recognised the immense service of 3 retired
officers at a presentation dinner. President Flo McNally
made the presentation to past President David Sterritt
who had served in the role of Zone Convenor, Chairman
and President
since he joined
Council in
Artie Rice
made the pres-
entation to David Hunter who had fulfilled the roles of
Zone Convenor, Competition Secretary and Chairman
as well as temporary Treasurer since he came onto
Council while Competition Secretary Charlotte Adair
made the pres-
entation to her predecessor Jim McElroy who had been
in that post for 7 years.
Sky Channel 191 did a 15 minute programme on Cook-
stown Parochial's success in winning the Irish Club
Championship again.
They outlined
the clubs suc-
cess over recent
years interview-
ing a number of the players and Zone Convenor. The
programme was also shown in the United States and
Australia and it was pleasing to see some TV exposure
being given to the short mat game.
The photo shows Zone Convenor and IIBA P.R.O
Seamus Kyne with Damian McElroy Club Captain and
with the Irish Club Championship Shield.
Seamus Kyne
By mistake I accidentally sent out
two copies of the last (Summer)
edition to a number of people and
I don’t know who.
I only had one copy left (my file
copy), so I desperately need some
uncreased copies returned PLEASE!
(From anyone), as some people now
require them.