Page 14 - Layout 1
P. 14
Page 14:Layout 1 27/11/2015 15:08 Page 1
14 OTTERY St. MARY OPEN SINGLES The competition at-
tracted local bowlers
from all over the
South West and as
expected was seri-
ously contested by
all who took part with
8 groups of four al-
ternating play on the
four mats fitted in to
the hall.
At the quarter
final stage, Andy
Thompson and Graham James went into the
last end at five shots each but in the end Gra-
ham scored a two for a 7 - 5 victory, despite
only winning three of the eight ends. Val Lucas
was also close at 6 - 7 with two ends to go but
a two and a three finally gave Peter Symonds
an 11 - 6 win. Winner Eric Pavey, Ottery Club
The QF between Eric Pavey and Dave President and on the right runner-up
Summers was hotly contested but in the end Graham James
Eric won 7 - 5. Completing the semi-final
line-up Sue Young had a very comfortable
10 - 1 win over Fred Millard.
Sue then faced Graham James and
sadly couldn’t find an answer to his game
as Graham reached the final with a 10 - 3
win. In the other semi Eric Pavey and
Peter Sydenham were locked in battle
with Eric leading 5 - 4 going into the last
end, in which he scored a two for a 7 - 4
After seven ends of the ten end final
Graham James held a slender 4 - 3 over
Eric Pavey in a very close match with just
a single scored
on each end but
at this point Eric
seemed to step
up another gear
and a 2 - 1 - 3
sequence gave
him a 9 - 4 vic-
Organiser tory.
Brab Hallows