Page 21 - july 2023
P. 21

Readers Letters_Layout 1  09/06/2023  12:32  Page 1

                                                              Hi Bob.
                                                                Just a quick e-mail, to say that I found the PDF for-
                                                              mat far easier to read than the flip version. On the
                                                              articles within, what a venue that Borgholm Bowls
                                                              place is. What strides the Swedish have made in
                                                              their country, compared to us in the UK.
                                                                The new SSMBA seems to be doing ok, consider-
                                                              ing the rift with Bowls Sweden. On that matter, I have
                                                              attached a reply from the secretary of the WSMBC
                                                              that I recently found on the Bowls Sweden Facebook
                                                              page. It was posted on 27th April 2022. Hope you
                                                              can continue to keep spreading the Short Mat news.
                                                              Regards,  Alan.Evans

              Ed - Thanks Alan, unlike us, the rest of the World treats Short Mat Bowls purely as a sport. I have
              published a lot about the Swedish problem but the World Council do not seem to understand what
              is really happening in Sweden but time will tell. The tiny Federation are just clinging on to their
              World Championships places and nothing else to speak of.
              Dear Bob,
                     Thank you for producing the Indoor Bowler in pdf format as well as I find this much easier to
              read. The May issue was informative as ever, and the production of the magazine is as good as
              any professional one. Thanks for the mention!
                     Playing in the evenings is a catch 22 situation - many older members can’t or don’t like driv-
              ing at night, but having only daytime sessions rules out younger prospective players who are still
              working. And also school age youngsters who are only just available as the afternoon sessions are
              ending. The average age these days seems to be 70+ rather than the 50s of earlier years. Sadly 3
              Avon clubs have closed recently, including one which had been going for many years with great
              success. Although no longer playing, I still keep in touch with the game, and hope it continues to
              thrive. Regards, Rosemary King

              Ed - Hi Rosemary, Sadly, I have not been able to play Short Mat Bowls since 2019. My cataracts
              made it unsafe for me to drive in the dark on unlit country roads but my cataracts are not bad
              enough to be operated on in the NHS, so I am saving up to pay privately but sadly my club also
              folded. I did fill in on my holidays but this is no substitute for competitive league play.

              Hi Bob
                     Many thanks for the May edition. Made for a very interesting read. You also asked which
              format was preferred; I found the PDF much easier to read.
              Keep up the good work
              Regards, Mike Walker

              Hi Bob
                     Many thanks for recent email. Apologise for not responding earlier but we have been in
              sunny Brixham !!!! I’m quite happy with the usual page format but quite happy to go with the major-
              ity.!!! Trust you are keeping well and look forward to seeing you in Dawlish.
              Regards, John Donelan

              Ed - Many thanks for the comments about the PDF format. I originally started down the Tech route
              as it was the most up-to-date method available. But this is confession time as I have always pre-
              ferred the PDF format, even if it page after page. It is a stage I get to in producing the magazine,
              as it is the very last check I do before converting it to the flip page format. I have decided to pub-
              lish the magazine in both formats in future, so readers have the choice of viewing.
                     I use about 10 different pieces of software to produce the magazine. I wrote an article in an-
              swer to someone’s question about how I produce it but never published it. I will try to find it or write
              it again. I even use a piece of software called ASHAMPOO.
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