Page 18 - Winter 2019 2020 FINAL_Neat
P. 18
Page 18_Layout 1 20/01/2020 08:28 Page 1
Pembrokeshire Champions - What a weekend!
Pembrokeshire Champions - What a weekend!
Huge congratulations to the Pembrokshire squad who became the first team in Wales to win
the Inter-County Championship since the start of the competition in 1995. There were some re-
ally close games and it may have come down to the last bowl, in the last game, but we did it!
A big thank
you to all of the
players for their ef-
forts, and also to
the umpires for
giving up their
weekend to offici-
Thank you to
the markers for
marking singles
games and to
Mid Tyrone
Mid Tyrone Tracy for doing a
great job as team
Thank you
also to Shirley and
Lesley for organis-
ing the event and
running the raffle
and to Julie and
Tom for doing the
scores and the
admin during the
Mid Tyrone
were second and
the West Midlands
West Midlands 3rd.
West Midlands