Page 3 - Winter 2019 2020 FINAL_Neat
P. 3
Page 3_Layout 1 15/01/2020 11:36 Page 1
now will receive all the
3 now will receive all the internet, including its
magazines I produce,
magazines I produce, printing.
which will complete 28 The last issue was
which will complete 28
years plus one issue.
years plus one issue. about a month late as I re-
We sadly all play in jected all the magazines,
We sadly all play in
a sport that has no gen- which were printed poorly,
a sport that has no gen-
eral interest in publicity
eral interest in publicity for the first time ever.
whatsoever and is gov- A number of the pho-
whatsoever and is gov-
erned by self-interest
erned by self-interest tos were far too dark and
only. No wonder our were very hard to see. I
only. No wonder our
numbers are dropping! complained and was
numbers are dropping!
They say that the asked to send a scan but
They say that the
best thing about bang- they could not see the
best thing about bang-
ing your head on a brick
BOB’s RAMBLINGS ing your head on a brick problem.
wall, is that it’s nice
To go back to a com- wall, is that it’s nice Next I was asked to
To go back to a com-
when you stop!
ment in my last ram- when you stop! photograph the pages but
ment in my last ram-
It has been an en-
the photos were rejected
It has been an en-
blings about the joyable struggle with as they still could not see
joyable struggle with
future of the maga- many frustrations along the problem.
future of the maga-
many frustrations along
zine, it is my very the way but I have en- Next I had to send 10
zine, it is my very
the way but I have en-
joyed it, showing I don’t
firm intention to pro- joyed it, showing I don’t magazines off to Spain
firm intention to pro-
quit easily.
duce the magazine quit easily. and they finally agreed
duce the magazine
For health reasons
up to and including Yvonne and I hope to be there was a problem and I
up to and including
got a free reprint. All this
next winter’s 20 - 21 wintering abroad in 20-21 created a Month’s delay.
next winter’s 20 - 21
issue after next and beyond BUT that is un próspero
un próspero
Christmas. not the reason I may finish año nuevo
año nuevo
This will ensure that ev-
This will ensure that ev- the magazine, as it is virtu- BobbyWeaf
eryone renewing from ally all produced over the
eryone renewing from
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