Page 9 - December PPIAC Newsletter FINAL w Links
P. 9

permissible purposes. So, in short, they are being denied access to DMV

                                               data based on service offerings, not individual DMV requests.

                                               PPIAC’s Legislative Committee is launching a long-term campaign to bring
                                               awareness to the positive impacts our profession has on the general public.
                                               This profession has long suffered from a negative stigma. We heard this
                                               perception just this past year from a few CO legislators. If you or a PI you
                                               know of has been involved in a case or maybe pro bono work which
                                               involves protecting victims, searching for missing persons, location of large
                                               thefts and other services that police were unable to assist the public with,
                                               or maybe assistance with police efforts, etc. please let me know so we can
                                               reach out to the media for potential coverage in the news. However, please
                                               keep in mind adherence to client confidentiality. Make sure you obtain
                                               permission from the client and attorneys involved before submitting your
                                               case for consideration.

                                               Recently, NCISS board members Francie Koehler and Kelly Riddle provided
                                               some additional examples of effective and successful use of DMV
                                               information. Here they are:
                                                   ▪  Locate children abducted by their non-custodial parents and
                                                       reunite them with their families
                                                   ▪  Track down deadbeat parents
                                                   ▪  Uncover insurance fraud by verifying the identity and background
                                                       of claimants
                                                   ▪  Assist identity theft victims
                                                   ▪  Conduct background investigations and of employees who have
                                                       threatened other employees
                                                   ▪  Locate and serve witnesses in civil and criminal, including capital
                                                       defense cases
                                                   ▪  Identify pedophiles, sexual predators, and stalkers
                                                   ▪  Locate a missing family member for probate or organ donor for
                                                       transplants and bone marrow matches
                                                   ▪  Conduct pre-employment backgrounds of applicants of childcare
                                                       centers, schools, health care facilities
                                                   ▪  Conduct due diligence investigations to satisfy the judicial system
                                                   ▪  Investigation of stolen 18-wheeler and autos
                                                   ▪  Consumer protection – identifying salvage vehicles
                                                   ▪  Consumer protection – child endangerment
                                                   ▪  Fire investigations – determine ownership
                                                   ▪  Asset Investigations – determine rightful ownership and hidden
                                               PPIAC’s goal is to change the public's perception of the profession. This will
                                               be a long term and really a continuous effort. This profession has suffered
                                               from a negative stigma since it’s been in existence, so once we start this
                                               campaign to educate the public, I don't foresee why it should ever end.
                                               Thank you in advance for your assistance.
                                               Robert Orozco

                                               VP of Legislation
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